
Hear for the Holidays

The holidays are often a joyful time to reconnect with loved ones. However, for those with hearing loss, holiday get-togethers can lead to stress and anxiety due to difficulty understanding conversation. If you notice that you often mishear what people say or rely on lipreading to understand them better, you may have a hearing loss.…

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Noisy Christmas Toys 2021

Every year, the Sight and Hearing Association tests a random selection of toys on the market for the holiday season. This year, they tested 24 toys, 19 of which tested louder than 85 decibels (dB).  This is the level where the National Institute of Occupation Health and Safety (NIOSH) mandates hearing protection. This year’s loudest…

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How Often Should You Purchase Hearing Aids?

This is a question that we address everyday with our patients and their loved ones! The short answer is that a hearing device should typically be replaced about every five to seven years or so. In reality, however, the answer is a bit more involved. Several factors may determine whether or not it’s time to…

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Dizziness, Vertigo, and Imbalance – What’s the Difference?

Dizziness and balance problems are very common complaints reported at primary care physicians’ offices and emergency departments. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, on average 15% of American adults (an estimated 33 million people) report dizziness or balance problems annually. There are many ways these symptoms can be described. Below…

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Hearing Aid Industry Update: Signia Insio Charge&Go AX

The world of hearing aids has improved yet again! Rechargeable devices have been available to patients with hearing loss for a number of years in the behind-the-ear style with great success. Now, patients have the option of a custom fit hearing aid that is also rechargeable! One of the hearing aid industry’s leading manufacturers, Signia,…

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The Value of an Audiologist

An audiologist is a health care professional who provides patient-centered care in order to identify, diagnose and treat hearing loss and balance disorders using evidence-based practice. An audiologist aims to provide personalized services to minimize the negative impact of hearing loss and ultimately lead to improved quality of life.  Audiologists are required to hold a doctorate…

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October is National Protect Your Hearing Month!

Although most people tend to see audiologists after they have already started noticing hearing difficulties, audiologists also strive to educate the public on protecting their hearing. Back in July, we posted a blog about the different types of hearing protection. Many of these you can buy over the counter, but some custom-made devices need to…

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Improving Phone Communication

One of the top areas of communication many of our patients are wanting to improve is better communication on the phone. Phone calls are one of the most difficult listening situations for individuals with hearing loss — there’s no opportunity to read lips, the signal is not always clear/consistent, and there are fewer contextual cues…

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CROS and Bi-CROS Solutions

What is a CROS System? A Contralateral Routing of Sound (CROS) hearing aid is a type of hearing device that is used to treat unilateral hearing loss (single sided hearing loss). It takes sound from the ear with poor hearing sensitivity and transmits the sounds to the better hearing ear. As a result, the CROS…

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Walk-In Repair Clinic

Walk-In Repair ClinicIf you are experiencing problems with your hearing aid Walk-In clinic is available on Tue from 10am -11:30am and Thurs from 1pm – 2:30pm. No appointment necessary. To make an appointment call the Hearing Center at (904) 399-0350

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