September 4, 2020

What a hearing test is like during COVID-19

With the introduction of COVID-19, the world has changed in many ways. Masks are the new normal and staying six feet apart is common courtesy. Businesses are shut down or have major restrictions in place. There are many new and different ways each one of us has had to change our own lives. This includes what it is currently like to get a hearing test at JHBI. Here is an example of what to expect at your next hearing test appointment at JHBI:

  1. Wearing a mask is mandatory throughout your entire appointment. Also, every staff member is wearing a mask at all times. This includes clear masks that many staff members have available for our patients who rely on lip-reading.
  2. Your temperature will be taken at check-in using a no-contact thermometer.
  3. Every patient and any person accompanying them must fill out a COVID-19 questionnaire.
  4. Seats in the waiting room are limited in order to maintain social distancing.
  5. Higher risk patients are taken to a different waiting room- for their safety.
  6. Our staff is cleaning constantly to ensure your safety!

As you can see, at JHBI we take the safety and well-being of our patients very seriously. We hope that you feel comfortable coming to our office and we hope to see you and your mask soon!


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