Why Do Masks Make Hearing So Difficult?

One of the biggest changes that has occurred due to COVID -19 has been the need to wear a mask when in public. The positive side to wearing a mask is the proven decrease in transmission of COVID-19. The downside? The inability to read lips and watch the facial expressions of those around us. Many…

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Audiology Credentials…what do all those letters mean?!

Patients are often confused by the series of acronyms and abbreviations listed after their audiologist’s name. Listed below are common abbreviations used and a description of what they mean. Au.D.: Au.D. is the abbreviation for Doctor of Audiology. Beginning in 2007, many states adopted the Au.D. as the entry level degree required to practice Audiology. Prior…

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Ringing in the Ears

We’ve all had it at one time or another–that sound of ringing in your ears—that can range from subtle to shattering.  Tinnitus (TIN-ih-tuss) is the medical term for the perception of sound in one or both ears when there is actually no external sound present.  It can come and go or be constant, and causes…

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Get Started With Hearing Aids

It’s so gradual that you may not even realize you have [intlink id=”123″ type=”page”]hearing loss[/intlink].  You begin to strain to hear loved ones and avoid noisy restaurants.  Not only does your hearing deteriorate, but also your lifestyle, relationships, and general psychological well-being. The sooner you begin treatment for hearing loss, the easier it will be to…

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Hearing Loop Makes Headlines

In a world filled with new technology, hearing loops bring old technology back to life. The Washington Post reported that this “old technology could have the most profound impact in the decade to come on millions of people with hearing loss.” (The Washington Post) Telecoils were first put in hearing aids in the 1940s, and hearing…

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Getting “In the Loop”

Many patients have been pleased to learn about the addition of a hearing loop to our waiting rooms. We have received positive feedback from patients who are delighted to find that they can take advantage of this technology. Hearing loops are devices that transmit sound from microphones, loudspeakers or even TVs directly to portable receivers…

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Spotlight: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Got vertigo?  Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (or BPPV) is one of the most common causes of the disorienting sensation of spinning or whirling.   It is caused by a disorder of the balance center of the inner ear; specifically the displacement of the calcium carbonate crystals that are normally found there.  These crystals play an important…

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What is Neurotology?

Neurotology is the study and practice of medical and surgical disorders that involve the ear, adjacent brain, and the nerve connections within this region (known as the lateral skull base). In addition to all disorders of hearing and balance, Neurotologists also treat disorders of the facial nerve, tumors of the inner ear and skull base,…

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What is Otology?

Otology is the study and practice of medical and surgical disorders of the ear. These include disorders related to hearing and balance. Some common problems treated by Neurotologists include infections of the ear canal and middle ear (including cholesteatoma and chronic otitis media), eardrum perforations, hearing loss (including conductive, mixed, and sensorineural types), vertigo, and…

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