On Saturday, March 6, the fourth annual Kilwin’s Ice Cream Run took place at St. Johns Town Center to benefit Clarke Schools-Jacksonville. The event was a sweet success! More than 500 friends, current families, staff and alumni of The Clarke Schools-Jacksonville participated and helped to raise more than $14,000 in funds to support their mission to provide for the greatest needs in teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing children how to listen and talk.
The Hearing Center at Jacksonville Hearing & Balance Institute (JHBI) was proud to have been a Silver Sponsor this year in support of the good work performed by the professionals at Clarke Schools. Dozens of children participated in the annual event. The Hearing Center and JHBI staff who attended included Lindsey, Ashley, Amanda, Megan, Shelly, Katie, Donna, Paul, and Dr. and Mrs. Green.
The kids who participated had a great time, especially in the fun and really cool Kiddie Dash. The beauty of the run/walk is that at the finish line, all participants received sweet and delicious ice cream by Kilwin’s.
This year, more than 500 walkers and runners came out in support of a great cause on an early Saturday morning. The Hearing Center was pleased to be part of this important community effort to bring about awareness of the Clarke Schools in this region.
Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech are located in Jacksonville, Boston, New York City, Northampton and Philadelphia. They impact the lives of children and adults through educational and early childhood programs, hearing services, mainstream services, research, curriculum development, and the. The teachers and professionals trained by Clarke take their special skills to all parts of the world. Providing children with the listening, learning and spoken language skills they need to success, deaf and hard-of-hearing children have needs of which are greater than ever before. The focus of the school is to ensure that each and every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential. For information on the 2017 run/walk, please contact Clarke School’s Development Office at 904.880.0028 or go to https://www.clarkeschools.org/icecreamrun.