July 1, 2011

JHBI Urges You to Protect Your Ears this 4th of July

Just one loud bang of a nearby firecracker can permanently damage your hearing. But by following a few simple precautions, you can enjoy your Independence Day festivities while still protecting your hearing.

According to the Better Hearing Institute, fireworks should be left to the professionals and enjoyed from a comfortable distance, where spectators can enjoy the flashes of color without the overwhelming explosions of sound. It’s a good idea to wear disposable earplugs, made of foam or silicone, which are usually available at local pharmacies.

Ten million Americans have already experienced irreversible hearing damage from noise, which is one of the most common causes of [intlink id=”123″ type=”page”]hearing loss[/intlink]. Here are some warning signs for hearing loss:

  • After leaving a noisy area, you have pain in your ears.
  • After exposure to noise, you hear ringing or buzzing (tinnitus) in your ears.
  • After exposure to noise, you can hear people talking but can’t understand them.

Don’t let all the noise interfere with your family’s activities. Hearing loss prevention is critical, especially for children. So let the professionals handle the fireworks, pack the earplugs and enjoy the show from a comfortable distance away.

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