Hearing Loss

How Do I Know If I May Have Hearing Loss?

It’s not always easy to tell if you are beginning to lose your hearing, especially if it happens gradually. Sometimes, family members and friends may notice your hearing loss before you do. Common signs of hearing loss include: Some causes for hearing loss can be treated such as wax removal and ear infections. If you…

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Is a Cochlear Implant Right for Me?

For many patients with hearing loss, hearing aids are a great solution. Hearing aids amplify sounds based on the patient’s hearing test which allows patients to have better access to sounds and improved speech recognition. Basically, hearing aids aid the patient in hearing better. A cochlear implant, on the other hand, allows patients to hear…

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Sudden Hearing Loss: A Hearing Emergency

A rapid decline in hearing that occurs all at once or over the course of several hours is called a Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL) and should be treated as soon as possible.   SSNHL most often occurs in one ear and might be accompanied by fullness in the ear, tinnitus (ringing, buzzing etc.) and…

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Basics of Auditory Processing Disorders

Audiologists generally work with those who have hearing loss due to damage to the peripheral portions of the ear, i.e. the cochlea (organ of hearing), ossicles (the bones in the middle ear space), or the external auditory canal. These peripheral losses are identified through a standard hearing assessment where a patient’s audibility is tested at a variety…

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Hearing Loss and Travel

For individuals with hearing loss, traveling by plane can be a particularly stressful experience. As the summer months approach and we begin to make travel plans to see friends and family, keep the following tips in mind for a stress-free and enjoyable traveling experience. -Sign up for e-mails from your airline in order to receive…

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Sudden Hearing Loss

Many types of hearing loss happen gradually over a period of months or years. Sometimes, hearing loss can occur suddenly without any warning. Sudden hearing loss often affects one ear and may be accompanied by tinnitus and/or vertigo. When hearing loss occurs suddenly, it is critical to receive treatment ASAP. Sudden hearing loss is considered a…

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Hearing Loss in One Ear; What Are My Options?

Profound hearing loss in one ear with normal or near normal hearing in the other ear is referred to as Single Sided Deafness (SSD). This type of hearing loss can occur suddenly from a viral infection or it may occur gradually over time as a result of various ear disorders such as Menieres Disease. Whatever…

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Back to Basics: Understanding Your Hearing Test

After your initial appointment with Jacksonville Hearing and Balance Institute, you will leave with a graph depicting the results of your hearing test. There are a lot of symbols and colors, but what do they all mean? The graph you received is called an Audiogram. The audiogram shows two things: Pitch and Volume. Across the…

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Age-Related Hearing Loss

Do you ever think that everyone around you is mumbling? Most people in their advanced years don’t consider this truly “hearing loss” because it often occurs very gradually. If you are noticing changes to your hearing, the best thing that you can do is to get your hearing tested. However, while you may not notice…

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Why is Hearing in Noise So Difficult?

One of the most commonly reported challenges people face with their hearing is understanding speech in background noise. Noise can vary depending on the environment. Sometimes it might be multiple people talking at once, like at a party. It may also be ambient noise such as music from a speaker or dishes clanking at a…

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Hearing with Two Ears

Our bodies are designed with two ears for many important reasons. Listening with two ears: Leads to better understanding in background noise Allows for improved ability to detect where sound is coming from and Gives speech a “boost” in volume In addition, listening with two ears lessens the amount of work it takes the brain…

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