Hearing Aids

Bluetooth Connections and Smartphone Updates

Most current hearing aids have the capability to connect to smartphones via Bluetooth for phone calls, streaming, and adjustments to the hearing aids via an app. The feedback from patients has been very positive about how much they enjoy the ability to stream their cell phone calls to the hearing aids and the ability to…

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Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids

Last month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed a rule permitting the sale of a new category of Over-the-Counter (OTC) hearing aids that could be sold directly to consumers without an exam. While unregulated OTC hearing aids may work as intended, there is a risk that the devices could be defective or completely…

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Hear for the Holidays

The holidays are often a joyful time to reconnect with loved ones. However, for those with hearing loss, holiday get-togethers can lead to stress and anxiety due to difficulty understanding conversation. If you notice that you often mishear what people say or rely on lipreading to understand them better, you may have a hearing loss.…

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How Often Should You Purchase Hearing Aids?

This is a question that we address everyday with our patients and their loved ones! The short answer is that a hearing device should typically be replaced about every five to seven years or so. In reality, however, the answer is a bit more involved. Several factors may determine whether or not it’s time to…

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Hearing Aid Industry Update: Signia Insio Charge&Go AX

The world of hearing aids has improved yet again! Rechargeable devices have been available to patients with hearing loss for a number of years in the behind-the-ear style with great success. Now, patients have the option of a custom fit hearing aid that is also rechargeable! One of the hearing aid industry’s leading manufacturers, Signia,…

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The Value of an Audiologist

An audiologist is a health care professional who provides patient-centered care in order to identify, diagnose and treat hearing loss and balance disorders using evidence-based practice. An audiologist aims to provide personalized services to minimize the negative impact of hearing loss and ultimately lead to improved quality of life.  Audiologists are required to hold a doctorate…

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CROS and Bi-CROS Solutions

What is a CROS System? A Contralateral Routing of Sound (CROS) hearing aid is a type of hearing device that is used to treat unilateral hearing loss (single sided hearing loss). It takes sound from the ear with poor hearing sensitivity and transmits the sounds to the better hearing ear. As a result, the CROS…

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What to Expect When You are New to Hearing Aids

1. During an appointment with your audiologist, expect a thorough assessment to determine the severity of your hearing loss and a detailed discussion about your lifestyle, hearing priorities, and budget to help determine what hearing aids are best for you. 2. Expect an adjustment period when you first begin to wear hearing aids. Hearing loss…

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Disposable vs. Rechargeable Hearing Aid Batteries

All hearing aids require a power source, but many modern hearing aids have the option of either a disposable or rechargeable battery. Which option is the best for you? Benefits of Rechargeable Batteries:1. Convenient – Instead of having to frequently repurchase batteries over the lifespan of the hearing aid, you simply charge the hearing aid…

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Troubleshooting Bluetooth-Enabled Hearing Aids

Many newer hearing aids on the market are Bluetooth compatible and are able to wirelessly connect to both iPhone and Android devices. Patients with Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids enjoy the convenience of streaming phone calls and listening to music/tinnitus maskers from their phones directly to their hearing aids, all the while being able to use their…

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Making the Most Out of Your Hearing Aids

After you have had a complete audiological evaluation, are fit with the right hearing devices, and your devices have been personalized for your needs, it is important to know what accessories are available to you. Hearing aid accessories can help optimize the performance of the devices and even make them more convenient to use. Battery…

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Hearing Aids vs. Amplifiers: What’s the Difference?

Today, there are numerous advertisements in magazines and on television for products that will enhance your hearing. Although many of these devices may look like hearing aids, they typically are not. These devices are called “amplifiers” or “personal sound amplification products (PSAPs)”.  Although PSAPs have been around for many years, new age marketing techniques have…

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