
Hearing Aid Stigma: An 8 Year Old’s Perspective

“I want the most discrete hearing aid possible so that I don’t look old.”  This is heard almost daily during our hearing aid consultations.  Despite the significant advancements in hearing aid size and technology, there is one thing that hasn’t changed: their stigma.  Although a hearing aid is much less noticeable than the hearing loss itself, people continue…

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Cochlear Implant 101

Mary Jo Schuh, an Audiologist at JHBI with more than 15 years of experience in the field of cochlear implants, recently appeared on the local television show First Coast Living to discuss cochlear implants. Click below to watch her segment, and to see how cochlear implants have helped JHBI patient James Otis.  

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Less Hearing Loss in Future Generations?

Recently, researchers have discovered an association between the prevalence of hearing impairment and year of birth. Specifically, it has been discovered that the percentage of people with hearing impairment is declining with each generation. Researchers expect this trend to continue, and more people are expected to maintain good hearing into their later years. It has been…

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Coming Up: Balance Awareness Week

Balance Awareness Week is September 16th – 22nd, 2012. The Vestibular Disorders Association (VEDA) is launching a campaign to “Defeat Dizziness” through public education and advocacy. Read below for the official press release from VEDA about its 16th annual Balance Awareness Week. Since 1997, JHBI has been helping patients with balance disorders through advanced testing…

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Grandfather’s Day

September 9th has been officially designated as Grandfather’s Day. For many of us, when we think of our grandfathers (or grandmothers!), we think of their hearing difficulties and our need to shout to be understood. While this is often a source of humor and family jokes, untreated hearing loss has been shown to cause significant social…

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Walk-In Repair Clinic

Walk-In Repair ClinicIf you are experiencing problems with your hearing aid Walk-In clinic is available on Tue from 10am -11:30am and Thurs from 1pm – 2:30pm. No appointment necessary. To make an appointment call the Hearing Center at (904) 399-0350

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